Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Kenya Table of Contents

Diaries from my trip to Kenya, February 2012:
Travel and Arrival
Day 1, Part 1: Elephants and Giraffes and Crocs, Oh My! (Part 1)
Day 1, Part 2: Elephants and Giraffes and Crocs, Oh My! (Part 2)
Day 2: Kibera, Nairobi's Enormous Slum
Day 3, Part 1: From Nairobi to Thika
Day 3, Part 2: Helping Women and Farmers Out of Poverty (G-BIACK)
Day 3, Part 3: G-BIACK's Livestock
Day 3, Part 4: Grow Biointensive (G-BIACK)
Day 3, Part 5: Traditional Kenyan Food and a Visit to a Farm
Day 4, Part 1: Del Monte Pineapple
Day 4, Part 2: Robert's Farm (G-BIACK)
Day 4, Part 3: A School for Special Needs Young Adults (G-BIACK)
Day 5, Part 1: One More Morning at G-BIACK
Day 5, Part 2: Sustainable Ag and Rural Development Initiative (SARDI)
Day 5, Part 3: Workshop on Nutrition, Farming, and HIV/AIDS
Day 6, Part 1: A Small, Biointensive Farm (SARDI)
Day 6, Part 2: The School That Broke My Heart (SARDI)
Day 6, Part 3: Farming in a Wet Region, Part 1 (SARDI)
Day 6, Part 4: Farming in a Wet Region, Part 2 (SARDI)
Day 7: Nairobi
Day 8, Part 1: Wildlife and Poachers
Day 8, Part 2: The Machakos Market
Day 9: Removing Poachers' Snares
Day 10: Removing Poachers' Snares
Day 11, Part 1: Intro to Pastoralism and Maasai Culture
Day 11, Part 2: Interview with a Maasai Man, Part 1
Day 11, Part 3: Interview with a Maasai Man, Part 2
Day 11, Part 4: Interview with a Maasai Man, Part 3
Day 11: Part 5: Visit to a Maasai Home
Day 12: Nairobi
Day 13: Travel to Kisumu
Day 14, Part 1: The Kisumu Yacht Club
Day 14, Part 2: Malaria and the Climate Crisis
Day 15: Travel to Bondo
Day 16, Part 1: Welcome to Bondo
Day 16, Part 2: Thirsty Animals
Day 16, Part 3: Tour of Farming in Bondo, Part 1 (Grow Strong)
Day 16, Part 4: Tour of Farming in Bondo, Part 2 (Grow Strong)
Day 16, Part 5: Tour of Farming in Bondo, Part 3 (Grow Strong)
Day 16, Part 6: Care for the Earth
Day 17, Part 1: Dominion Farms, Part 1
Day 17, Part 2: Dominion Farms, Part 2
Day 17, Part 3: Dominion Farms, Part 3
Day 17, Part 4: Dominion Farms, Part 4
Day 17, Part 5: BAMA
Day 18, Part 1: Interview with Florence Ogendi, A Small Farmer
Day 18, Part 2: Interview with William, a Small Farmer
Day 18, Part 3: Mzee, The Basket Maker
Day 19, Part 1: A Different Approach to Livestock
Day 19, Part 2: Selene's Chicken and Beer Business
Day 19, Part 3: The Bondo Market
Day 20: Charity's Charity

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